(Fiona Zhang)
Set Design Seed Concept
November 2021
Writer: Georgina HL Escobar
Event: Climate Change Theatre Action Eco-design Charrette
Location: Museum/Science Gallery
‘IMAGINE we create “ideation forums.” IMAGINE Tuesdays becoming a day where the school suspends all “schooling” and allows the kids to imagine new futures, new jobs, new technologies. IMAGINE that we stop teaching old models and repeating old mistakes and enhance their imaginations and their ability to see what they want to see realized. Make kids excited to engage in creative problem solving to help our climate cr— ‘
My idea is to set up the performance in a box made up of picture frames. This box may be in a museum or a science gallery. Most of the audience may be children and their parents. The two walls of the box are actually two canvases. When Rebecca hits the coffee cup against "the wall", the drink (possibly red) in the cup stains the canvas, and the light changes the entire wall to red. This is not only a symbol of breaking the traditional education model, but the world outside the box is what we want children to see. After the performance, the children can be invited to paint on the canvas so that these two giant picture frames become artworks.
All furniture and picture frames are expected to be made from recycled cardboard boxes, while the canvas is sterilized and sewn from the internal fabrics of disposable masks. Due to the pandemic, the impact of medical waste on the environment is increasing. Disposal face masks are made of plastic materials, highly resistant to liquids and non-degradable. This dangerous plastic waste eventually enters the landfill or the ocean, causing massive damage to the surrounding ecosystem. I use the method to boil them to eliminate the virus (only my concept, I don't know if there is a better sterilization method). Then turn it into a canvas, and let the audience painting on it. I hope the audience will pay attention to the impact of medical waste on the ecological environment during the pandemic.